Kitten pile is now 3 days old

The kittens are still little fluffy grubs at this point. Their eyes aren’t open yet and they have two states: sleeping and eating. The only personality traits I have gleaned at this point is that the white kitten usually ends up on the bottom of the pile and it seems like one of the grey tabbies might be a camera ham. You’ll notice there always seems to be a grey tabby front & center in the photos.

Possum has no problem with Tak visiting the birthing box. As you can see. Tak loves to just sit next to me while I’m petting Possum and watch the activity. She doesn’t quite know what to think about the kittens. I’ve shown them to her one by one. She just sniffs on them, sometimes seems a little afraid of them, but seems to understand they aren’t food. I can’t wait until they’re bigger and can harass the shit out of her. That’s going to be fun.

kittens three days old

kittens three days old

kittens three days old

kittens three days old

Cenci, new veggie restaurant in the ‘hood

At the vegan potluck last week I learned that there was a new vegetarian restaurant…right in my neighborhood! I really need to get out more. The place is called Cenci and is in the old Burrito Art space. Warning, that link is a myspace page, but here is the menu so you don’t actually have to defile your browser with the horror that is myspace: page 1 | page 2 | page 3 | page 4

The inside is really nice. Still casual but also would be nice for a date night. I read on EAV Buzz that they will have a liquor license soon. Most things on the menu are vegan and the server seemed to know which items were just vegetarian and was happy to answer questions. I’d actually like to see their menu marked kind of like Green Sprout does with the little egg next to the couple of things that have egg in them. Then at the bottom it says that items with the egg have eggs and they can be left out upon request. Maybe they could use a bee, an egg and a cow head for honey, eggs and dairy.

They have a bunch of nice sounding smoothies and juices so I went ahead and got the Royal Sun, a juice mixture of beets, carrots and blood orange. It was nice, just slightly. Wonderful color. Then I got the blackened fish sandwich. Sorry I was slack and didn’t have my camera with me. I’m not a fan of fake shrimp, but have been wanted to try something fishy for a while. The blackened seasoning was spicy but not hot. I could use some hot, but it was also good as it was. I don’t really know how to describe the “fish.” They were like thin fillets and the texture was something between tofu and seitan. I liked the texture but it wasn’t really reminiscent of fish. Which is perfectly fine with me. It did taste of the sea and seemed to get that flavor from sea vegetables. All in all a satisfying sandwich. You get the choice of a side salad or fries. I took the salad and it was huge! I’d also like to know where they found flavorful cucumbers this early in the season. The basil vinaigrette was also very nice and seemed fairly light on the oil. I was sad that they didn’t have desserts yet, but they will soon. Right now they’re sort of in a pre-opening status. Anyway, I can’t wait to go back and try some more things.

Cenci 1259 Glenwood Ave, Atlanta GA 30316 (404) 627-0533

links for 2007-04-26

Finally, we have kittens!

When I left for work this morning, Possum was behind the chair in the office, laying on her side. She meowed and purred but wouldn’t come out and say “Hi”. So I kind of figured it might be kitten time. When I got home, she came out from behind the chair, got pets, meowed and purred, then headed back to a pile of kittens! They were just there on the floor in a kitten ball wiggling like a bunch of worms.

Possum had no problem with me sticking my hand in there and picking them up. So I had a quick look at each, one at a time, then put them back. I went and got her a box and set it up with bedding, then stuck the kittens in it. After she did a couple of head counts to make sure everyone was there, she settled down. I didn’t want to mess with the kittens too much, but it looks like 2 grey tabbies, a brown tabby and a white one. We do have some ferals here with siamese markings so the white one could turn out that way. We’ll see. Enough yappin’…on to kitten pics!

mom and kittens

kitten bellykittens

more kittens