The reluctant kittens

Apparently Possum’s kittens REALLY like it in there. Despite the fact that she’s huge and filling up with milk, no kittens. Now her belly is really lumpy. Like, here’s a kitten, and here’s one, and here’s another. If they were human babies I’d expect them to be born and immediately start kindergarten.

In other Possum news, she and Tak are getting along well. I think Possum thinks Tak is another cat. If Tak will stand still, Possum walks right up to her and rubs her head under Tak’s chin. Cute! Every once in a while when Tak gets too bouncy, Possum has to let out a hiss. But that works because Tak knows exactly what that means….pay attention or sharp bits will follow.

Possum is still most comfortable in her little room, but if I leave the door open she’ll come out into the living room a little bit. Right now she’s sideways on my living room rug. I think the TV kind of freaks her out. Aww, she’s having trouble keeping her eyes open. They get squinty, then shut. Then pop open. “I’m awake!” Poor thing. She looks like a whale.

Other Possum developments…she’ll let me pick her up. No scratching, biting or whining. I only hold her for 10-15 seconds then put her down before she gets uncomfortable. I guess my method is working because I started with picking her up a few inches off the ground only and now I can pick her up to my chest while I’m standing. Oh yeah, and she let me trim her claws. Showers should be less painful going forward.

links for 2007-04-21

The yard of many snakes

I refer to my yard as the yard of many snakes. I see them all the time. I actually like reptiles so that’s not a problem for me. Just now I saw one of these ringneck snakes. Unfortunately, it looked like it had been partially mauled by one of the feral cats. I just left him be and kept Tak away from him. He was moving around. Maybe he’ll recover.

ringneck snake