Say goodbye to your little kitty balls

grey catThe grey kitties still come by at the appointed times for their crunchies. Two hang out on my porch even after the food is gone. Saturday, I went out and sat on the porch with them. They head butting and rubbing on each other, twisting around in circles, occasionally throwing themselves down on the sidewalk. I heard purring. The boy cat would get brave every once in a while and head up the steps toward me. He’d stop and sniff my shoe, then go back down and rub on his cat friend some more. So cute! I think this is the boy cat pictured here lounging on the railing.

When buying more dog food today, the woman at Park Pet Supply gave some information on spaying & neutering feral cat colonies. I sent off an email this evening and hopefully soon I’ll have a trap or two and be able to get these guys fixed. There are probably 7 or 8 feral cats running around here, that I know of, and they can quickly turn into to 50 if I don’t do something.

I don’t always eat soup

I had planned on making Tanya’s Asian Creation from How It All Vegan but when I pulled out my tofu it had gone bad. Luckily I had a package of tempeh in the freezer so I just substituted it.

tanya's asian creation with tempeh

I like lots of different grains, but often fall back on rice out of laziness. To get away from rice, I cooked up a batch of Macrobiotic Millet from The Candle Cafe Cookbook. It was tasty, simple, pilaf-like. It was good with the riblets and even better with the Asian Marinated Tofu I ate most of the rest with.

macrobiotic millet with garden burger riblets