And I don’t mean disturbing in a good way. Sur La Table sends me porn on a regular basis since someone gave me a gift card when I moved in here. I have to admit I do enjoy browsing some of the cookware porn. But then they have a few disturbing items. Like these chickens, with real feathers. And they say that proudly like it’s a great thing. What do you do with these things? Put them in the center of your dining room table?
Author: laura
Trader Joe’s is coming
For a while, it was rumored that one of the new Atlanta Trader Joe’s would go at the corner of N. Highland and Ponce, but that turned out to be a furniture store. Today as I was driving home from work, I saw where it’s going…Midtown Promanade, in the front part of the shopping center where the Midtown Art cinema is located. Next to Tuesday Morning. Conveniently right on my way home from work.
links for 2006-09-18
fun facts about some veg jewish punks
what a perfect article, just in time for talk like a pirate day (sept. 19).
links for 2006-09-14
be Jackson Pollock! press any key or click the mouse to start. move the cursor around. click again to get a new color.
Could your spirograph do 3d rotation? I think not.
Free books to read online.
links for 2006-09-10
i had to stop reading after his reasons for people NOT to be vegetarian. urg, idiot.