Mid morning snack that traveled all the way from D.C. Thank you Kevin!!!
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How Tak spends her days
This is how she stores up so much evil.
This art is not vegan
Part of what the horseradish was for
While I’m still a huge fan of all in one pot cooking, more and more frequently I am finding myself making dinners like this. Usually on a weekend. The potatoes are from a recipe called Wolfgang Puck’s Potato-onion Latke. Okay, it isn’t a latke really. And the recipe I found online wasn’t actually complete, but it’s basically thinly sliced potatoes with onions fried up in olive oil layered between. Then it’s baked in the oven until the potatoes are soft.
The (see, here’s where the horseradish comes in) from Vegan With A Vengeance was amazing. I didn’t really think much about what to expect when I had the first bite. The flavor was so vibrant. I can see this being a pick-me-up in the cold winter months. And of course, a giant pile of collards rounds things out.
links for 2006-09-30
i wonder if he was working his way up to “do you like gladiator movies?” and “have you ever seen a grown man naked?”
um, yeah, that was completely innocent…