A little break

VeganMofo always burns me out on posting. Afterwards it’s a relief to eat without having to take pictures of it. Emblogination will resume shortly though. Sunday we got back from 6 days in NYC. So much to write about. There was gluttony. And lots of walking. The latter definitely did not cancel out the former. Urg.

So this week, I’m trying to detox. I’m having smoothies for breakfast. Lunch Monday was a package of R. Thomas wrap slices. Monday night I made raw pecan paté that I’ve been eating on red bell pepper wedges. We also had a spinach salad for dinner with that and baked tofu. Lunch Tuesday was leftover salad and red pepper paté wedges. And a pear. And some peanut butter crackers (hey, how’d those get in there?) Then last night I had butternut squash, corn and leftover tofu over rice noodles with Bragg’s, gomashio and flax oil. You’ll notice there are no cupcakes, donuts, ice cream, etc. in there. I might die. Although I will admit that Monday I ate a couple of tiny dick pops I found in my purse from the bachelorette party. Mmmm….tiny chocolate dicks.
