An interesting experience upon landing in Israel for my first time. I took this video with my external iSight. I think that works best of what I’ve tried so far.
Category: video
Introducing the Kittens
Okay, this is what I’ve been doing instead of packing. Hey, there’s plenty of time! This one was taken with the built-in iSight on my MacBook. I don’t know what that noise is all about. I tried removing in iMovie but didn’t have much luck with that. I found a setting under the Sound system preferences that reduces background noise. I’ve picked that option and we’ll see if future ones are better. I thought I’d hate videos with me in them so much that I’d never post, but I actually don’t mind it that much. Even though my eyes are all puffy from taking a nap.
Possum & Tak Playing
I was all excited when I saw a feature in youtube that would apparently automatically post videos that you upload to your blog. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to actually work. That’s okay, embedding will.
The point of all this is that I’m taking my laptop to Israel and thought it would be cool to post videos as well. This is the first of my tests. This video was taken with my digital camera. This is Tak & Possum playing. Tak occasionally tries to play with Possum, but mostly I think she’s afraid of her. Must be the sharp bits she’s concerned about, even though Possum is just smacking her with her paw these days.
Kittens in motion
Yes, it’s going to be all kittens all the time around here for the next 8 weeks or so. I took a little video with my digital camera of the little buggers at a day old. [2.8mb .mov] Yeah, the quality is pretty crappy, but you kind of get the idea the wiggly ball of kitten.