links for 2007-09-14

Lazy pizza

A few weeks ago, I picked up a pizza dough ball from Trader Joe’s and tossed it in the freezer. And this week I finally got into it. Not having to make the crust from scratch makes this a pretty lazy pizza. Especially when I used pesto I already had on hand as the sauce. Roll out the dough, spread the pesto, grate “cheese” on top and toss on fakeronies and green beans. Yes, I put green beans on there. What of it? I was feeling guilty about eating the pizza and had to get some more green in. It cooked up nicely and quickly and stuffed me on up. I was kind of piggy and ate half the thing, but managed to stop there. The Trader Joe’s crust was pretty good. A little bit sweeter than I’d make, but that sure didn’t keep me from jamming it in my pie hole.

Here are gratuitous before and after cooking shots. See, now you want a pizza with green beans! Okay, maybe not.

vegan pizza, uncooked

vegan pizza, cooked