the trouble with tribbles drawn gorey style!
the trouble with tribbles, lolcats style
Fighting like, uh, cats & dogs
So this is the fate I sent one of the male kittens off to. I know it doesn’t appear so in this particular photo, but he actually enjoys this. My role this weekend is zoo keeper. Four cats and two dogs. It’s been interesting. Tak hates Ada, the chihuahua. I think she’s mostly jealous, but she’s been growling in a mean and nasty way, not her usual play growling. Girl kitten is joining Jack (kitten Jack, not Jack with the giant head) in playing with Ada. Grover is having none of Ada or Jack growling and hissing at both constantly. Possum has been throwing around her share of hissing and growling too, but she’s actually bigger than Ada so I think she feels a bit superior. Hopefully the drama will die down a bit. Oh, and Jack is such a little fat ass! I hope he’s just going through a stage, because he’s definitely barrel shaped. He may be using that extra flesh as protection against Ada until he outgrows her. Boy is she going to be in trouble then.
Being up early
Aside from avoiding traffic, I had a little treat for being up this early today. A view of the lunar eclipse. Sure I had to look at it through a screen of trees, but I got to see it with no effort at all. Too bad my camera isn’t up to the task of capturing it.
This just made me think of Comet Hale-Bopp. I was living in the lower Haight in San Francisco when Hale-Bopp was visible. I remember for months seeing it chugging along in the night sky as we crossed Duboce Park, dodging dog poop. Anyone else have a Hale-Bopp memory?
links for 2007-08-26
i was prepared to be pissed off after reading this, but the author seems to be honestly struggling with being veg. since very few of we veg*ns were brought up veg, haven’t most of us been here? doesn’t it began with thinking about the animals?
lol cats make the wall street journal. o rly? ya rly.
links for 2007-08-24
crash YOUR car. fascinating. i think i’ll avoid being t-boned, thankyouverymuch. (watch nissan sentra to see why)