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links for 2007-04-08
Cardinal breaks hip slipping on holy water while blessing easter baskets.
The love doesn’t transfer
Kitty girl has settled fine. It took her a little longer than it used to take my cats when I’d move them, but not much. And that’s not a fair comparison because they were experts. She’s getting to the point now where she wants to follow me out of her little room. I think she’d feel differently if she knew Tak was out here. Tak used to respect Sybil, maybe I can get them to come to an understanding. Baby steps though.
But, I did find out her love of me does not transfer to other humans quite yet. Matt came in to see her. She poked her head out but wouldn’t come out from under the desk. She purred for me at first, then was more concerned about him. She let me scritch on her neck, but still remained hiding. Matt went in to pet her and she went climbing-the-wall apeshit. Poor thing. She recovered quickly, but I think if anyone else is going to gain her trust they’re going to have to be patient. I mean, I’ve been working on this since October.
I think she’s forgiven me
Oh yeah, I think kitty girl has forgiven me. She came out from her hidey place, rubbed on me, received lots of pets, ate some crunchies, got more pets, flopped down for belly rubs (this is a new one), ate some more, and is starting to learn the joy of laps. I think everything is going to be fine. I suppose she needs a name.
It’s hard to get a good picture because she’s in constant motion. The next one is a good “devil cat” pic.
The kitty saga continues
With pregnant kitty girl moving from football size to basket ball size and the temperatures going down to freezing for a few days I decided it was time to bring her in. I’ve already got all the cat stuff I need. I knew she wasn’t going to be really happy about this though. But after watching two dogs chase her and the freezing temperatures we’re going to have for a few days, I decided to just do it.
I’d already put a cat crate on the porch that she was freely going into. So I put a little tuna on a cupcake liner and put it at the back of the crate. She went right in after it, but left her ass hanging out a bit. So I gently shoved until she was in and closed the door. She didn’t go batshit like some feral cats do when you crate them. She didn’t seem concerned at all until I picked it up to carry it inside. I’m sure that was pretty unsettling for her.
I let her out in the little room I had set up for her. She was really upset, but still not climbing the walls upset. She went and found a place to hide under my desk and cried for a bit. I talked to her to try and calm her down, but she wasnt really having it. So I left her alone to get acclimated. I check on her a couple of hours later and she was still under the desk and not all that happy. So of course at this point I’m second guessing my decision. But then I thought about my neighbor talking about the kittens always getting smashed on the road and thought about the cat from the colony I just saw a week ago killed on our street and I think I did the right thing. This way, these kittens won’t be feral, and I can get her fixed and them homes.
This morning I heard her crying from my bed. I went in there and she was under the desk. But there were presents for me in the litter box. Don’t you just love cats? I talked to her for a bit and her cries changed from a little anxious, to normal. Then I heard a rumble. I thought it was an airplane at first, but no, she was purring. Okay, I think she’s starting to get more comfortable. She still hadn’t eaten any food, so I moved the bowl to under the desk so she could get at it without leaving her hidey hole. I’ll leave her alone for a bit more and check on her in a while to see if she ate.