um. if you can’t handle the silliness in second life, don’t set up shop there.
All out of ideas
Yep, it’s official, 24’s writers are all out of ideas. No wonder I fell asleep when I tried to watch Monday night. I’m going to switch to watching Heroes Monday nights and streaming 24 instead of the other way around.
Heroes, on the other hand, just keeps getting better. Let’s see if it’s sustainable. It seems like what they should do is wrap up Heroes in about 6 more episodes…and then stop. But you know they probably wouldn’t do that. They’d rather beat every bit of life out of it until it’s unwatchable. Then cancel it.
links for 2007-03-01
founding father part of the jewish conspiracy? oy.
links for 2007-02-28
i’m not sure what this stuff is, but i need it
links for 2007-02-27
the USDA’s “don’t look, don’t find” approach to dealing with mad cow disease