Before Hanukkah runs out, I thought I’d get in a batch of latkes. I used the recipe from The Candle Cafe Cookbook and also made their applesauce earlier this week. I was very skeptical that they’d stay together, but sure enough, once the first side browned, it was a pattie. The recipe made a ton of latkes. I ate four with the homemade applesauce on top and a mess of steamed broccoli for dinner. I froze 10 and have 10 more in the fridge. I was drinking wine while flipping latkes and it did make the time pass a bit quicker and I was nicely toasted by the time I got to the last batch. I think over the next week off, I’ll try to stock the freezer with a few things for quick dinners like tofu patties etc. Guess I should start deciding what to make.
Jack says Happy Hanukkah
Risotto and Blondies
I failed to take a picture of the cookies I took to a Hanukkah party last Friday. I made the Big Gigantoid Crunchy Peanut Butter-Oatmeal Cookies from Vegan With A Vengeance except I added chocolate chips. Mmmm….peanut butter and chocolate. They disappeared quickly.
If you have a pressure cooker, you need to make risotto. It’s quick, yummy, always impresses people and is super easy. This week I made Risotto with Carrots, Peas, and Mint from Recipes from an Ecological Kitchen (now called Lorna Sass’ Complete Vegetarian Kitchen). Be sure to use a quality stock, because it really makes the dish.
Now, back into Vegan With A Vengeance for some more treats. The Raspberry-Chocolate Chip Blondie Bars are always good, but this time I decided to try the Macadamia Blondies with Caramel-Maple Topping. I ate one last night, for testing purposes only of course. They’re good, but I think I enjoy the raspberry-chocolate combo better.
links for 2006-12-17
’tis the season and all. lucky us, we have two more years of this sort of thing to look forward to.
audio of hanukkah blessings. i listened to a few this morning and this one is the clearest, easiest to understand that i’ve run across so far.
Follow Your Heart vegan recipes for Hanukkah
on demand video clips. cooking, history, holidays, interviews etc.
Happy Monkey Day!
Here’s a December holiday I can get behind…Monkey Day!