Mmmm…baked goods, originally uploaded by abracapocus.
A lavender choc chip scone and a jumbo peanut butter bar with chocchips from Dolce Vegan picked up at Cosmo’s Vegan Shoppe, Atlanta, GA
I know the lavender choc chip scone sounds strange, and it might be to you. I’ve always been all about eating flowery foods. Back when I still ate dairy, I loved trying the different flowery flavors at Paolo’s. This reminds me, I need to hunt down another jar of rose jam. Anyway, I was concerned about the choc chips in this. It didn’t sound quite right. Now that I’ve eaten one, I can say it isn’t totally wrong, but I think something else might be better. I like the idea of pine nuts. Maybe pecans or walnuts. Or don’t add anything. That said, I’d still eat again with the choc chips.
The jumbo peanut butter bar was moist and yummy. Be warned: you can taste the banana in these so if that will turn you off, don’t get it. As someone who occasionally enjoys a peanut butter and banana sandwich, that didn’t bother me at all. The peanut butter was not super strong tasting. A chocolate ganache might’ve been nice drizzled on the top, but not entirely necessary.