For the season opener of Game of Thrones, the Gunns kindly hosted a watching party. And Jeff made his famous lasagna. Delicious! So we didn’t have to feel too bad about it, I brought roasted broccoli. Why haven’t I roasted broccoli before? It’s amazing. Oh, and chocolate chip cookies. Because, cookies. Look, we had salad too and nommy garlic bread. There may have been adult beverages too.
Tag: lasagna
Games and good eats
No biggie. Just another evening of playing Cards Against Humanity and eating delicious food. Lasagna, kale salad and vegan ham & cheese sandwich pockets. And that purple drank? It’s just a violet fizz. So tasty.
Oh yeah, and Steph made samoa cupcakes. So decadent!
The Taint and lasagna
So, what to you make for a super gore-fest movie watching party? A lasagna in a red sauce, of course.
No recipe for the lasagna. I just sort of winged it. Made a red sauce with some sausage in it. Added some spinach. Vegan ricotta, Daiya.
What was this gore-fest? The Taint! And it isn’t the taint you’re thinking of, either. Do not watch this trailer if you have a problem with extreme gore, nudity, etc.
The Taint Trailer (NSFW) from Dan Nelson on Vimeo.
It was ridiculous and over the top in so many ways. There’s even a plot! And you can download the damn thing for $5. Best watched with a group of people eating something red and gooey.
More Daiya adventures
Because we know people (hey!) we got to sample Daiya in yummy pizza form and also got some of each flavor of shreds to take home. I did a couple of bullshit things with them last week because I’d already done the weekly shopping. But this week I could plan for it.
What’s an easy thing to do with melty vegan cheese? Quesadillas! Kevin fried up the chorizo with onions, I made a quick salsa and corn & pepper salad. Sometimes the best food comes from improvisation.

What else do you do with yummy vegan cheese? Lasagna! This is the spinach lasagna from Yellow Rose Recipes. I made a half batch so we wouldn’t be swimming in it. Worked really well and the leftovers reheated nicely in the oven.
Okay, so I know you’re intrigued. So where can you get this magical Daiya cheesy stuff? Oh look! Cosmo’s has it in stock. Seriously, get on that. Heck, Teese is on sale this weekend, so get some of each.
This post brought to you by the letter Manhattan. I blame it on all typos and general weirdness. My tongue is kinda numb.