Warmer weather, lighter food

For some reason I’m not so much feeling like soups anymore. Maybe because in typical Atlanta fashion, we have moved from winter to summer with only a brief glimpse of spring. So far I’m holding out and refuse to turn on air conditioning in March. I think the highs are only supposed to be 80-ish (yes, only 80-ish!) so I should be able to hold out until April.

So the warmer weather has brought lighter food. Here is the Happy Hen Salad from Vegan Vittles next to a spinach salad with a few olives on the side.

happy hen salad from vegan vittles

This one is Sweet and Sour Vegetables from A Vegan Taste of Thailand. Instead of eating with rice, I used rice noodles. Some weird ones I had hanging around in my cabinet. They were about 3″ square sheets before cooked. Then as they cooked they rolled up. I kind of was looking forward to the big, flat, square noodles, but they were probably easier to eat this way. No, your eyes aren’t broken. the photo is a little blurry. Sorry about that.

sweet and sour vegetables from a vegan taste of thailand

Vegan potlucks rock!

Today I hosted another awesome vegan potluck at my house. I’m so glad that a year and a half or two years ago I got over myself and finally showed up to one of the lunches. I think I’ve only missed one since. Can’t beat the people or the food.

I took pictures of my contributions and then promptly forgot to take any more pictures after people started arriving. Oh well. I made a gigantor pot of Turkish Mixed Legume and Bulgur Soup. The recipe was from Olive Trees and Honey: A Treasury of Vegetarian Recipes from Jewish Communities Around the World. Chickpeas, navy beans, red lentils and bulgur.

Turkish Mixed Legume and Bulgur Soup

And then, I made Bryanna’s Rose Scented Baklava. I’m always looking for an excuse to make anything with rose water. Filo dough is kind of a pain to work with. Mostly because I’m a freak about getting anything oily or greasy on my hands. It really bugs me. But it’s worth it every once in a while.

Bryanna's Rose Scented Baklava