And yet, I don’t think he learned anything…

This morning as I was leaving for work, I saw a cat heading into one of my dresser drawers. I pulled it out and then closed the drawer and went to work.

When I got home, I was greeted by girl kitty (I really need to name her), Possum and Tak and a pathetic muffled meowing coming from…somewhere. That somewhere turned out to be the dresser drawer. Yes, Grover spent the entire day closed in there. And who was just now looking longingly at that drawer? Yeah. It’s a good thing he’s a pretty cat cause he’s not that bright.

Meanwhile Tak is still sucking on her bottle nose dolphin, unaffected.

I’ve figured out my super power

You know, I can’t believe it’s taken this long, but I’ve finally figured out what my super power is. Apparently it’s getting impossibly large things home in my car. And not  just this car.

The first instance I remember was back when I was living in San Jose, CA. I had a little ’78 Honda Civic hatchback. You know, those cute little bitty cars. My friend came with me to buy a futon. And frame. And I got them both into this car and home. Oh yeah, my friend was in there too. No, not a twin sized futon, but the typical double size one.

doglooFast forward to today. I was lucky enough to be granted a large Dogloo on Freecycling. I’ve been wanting a doghouse of some sort for the outdoor kitties and this would be perfect. I had no idea how big and unwieldy this thing was going to be. It’s not exactly like the one pictured here, but the size is about right. So how do you get something like that home in a Nissan Sentra?

Well, I had my trusty tie downs. Don’t leave home without them!  But there was nothing to loop them through on this thing. No holes at all. The woman who gave it to me saw me struggling and told me it comes apart. You can snap the bottom off. Ah ha! Once I popped the bottom off, I had holes where the bottom snapped to the top.

The bottom fit in my trunk and I just tied the dome part in by it’s holes. Done! After driving home very slowly, it’s sitting in the backyard now waiting to protect the outdoor kitties from rain and cold. I have some carpet remnents I’ll put in it and I’ll sprinkle them with catnip so the cats will go in there. Yay! I love Freecycling.