Our CSA box contained fresh lima beans. Seems like all the recipes I have call for dried or frozen. After googling around a bit for ideas, I settled on this recipe for Tok-cel Lima Beans. So, I don’t know what the deal was with those limas, but they never softened up. Not even after microwaving leftovers. I ate them anyway and the flavor of the recipe was good, but I don’t know if my limas were weird or the recipe was off. If you make it, I’d boil until nearly done, then finish the recipe. That should work.
The “pork” is Match Meat. It was just defrosted, seasoned with salt and pepper and rolled into a tube like a tenderloin. Again, I consulted my googles for tenderloin glaze ideas. This maple glaze was super easy and tasted great. Then I seared the tenderloin in a frying pan. After it was seared, it was basted with the glaze and then it cooked again on all sides in the pan on low heat, glazing as needed. I drizzled the extra on top after it was sliced.
The mashed potatoes were, mashed potatoes. I’m lazy and leave the skins on pretending that I do it because it’s healthier. I add a couple of cloves of garlic to the boiling potatoes and mash them in with Earth Balance and non-dairy milk. Since I was trying out that Good Karma Flax Milk, I used it. Worked great!