Tak was in the backyard while I was cutting the grass. During one pass, I noticed she had something. Turned out to be a baby bunny. Oh no! I got it away from her. It was a little brown guy about 6″ long. He screamed a couple of times when I picked him up, but stopped when he realized the big hairless ape wasn’t going to hurt him. He had a scrape on his bottom and he was bleeding a little from somewhere. I walked him over to the fence and put him just on the other side hoping his mama would find him. Plus, I think they live out there and not in the yard. He didn’t move and it almost looked like his butt wasn’t working. I walked away and came back in a couple of min and he was gone. So hopefully he was just waiting for me to go away before he ran away. Hope the little guy will be okay. If there’s an upside, I got to hold a little baby bunny! So cute!
Tag: wildlife
A new visitor
I hadn’t seen the possums out at the cat food dish all summer and was wondering what happened to them. I found out recently when I saw this guy out there. Poor outdoor cat, he always yields his food to possums and now raccoons.

Possum tamer
Possum tamer, originally uploaded by abracapocus.
Look, I touch on him!
Possum #3
Yeah, so that’s not Stumpy and it’s not Kitty. Apparently I now have three possums coming by to eat cat food. This one is pretty young and his face has a lot less grey on it. It’s still very sharp though! Pointy pointy! So now I’m a possum magnet I suppose…
Kitty and Stumpy
So Kitty, the juvenile possum, has apparently put me on his (or her) regular evening route. Every night as soon as it gets dark, he eats whatever the grey lover kitties leave. But there’s another possum that comes by. Tonight I let Kitty eat some, then chased him off. Not 10 minutes later Stumpy was chowing down. Stumpy? Yeah, that was a no brainer. He’s had some sort of accident and only has about an inch or so of tail left. He’s bigger and probably an adult. He’s also a bit more skittish and ran off before I could even consider a picture. So no scary, pointy critter pics. But hey, they’re North America’s only marsupials! Way to go, Kitty & Stumpy! Maybe I should just put a sign out on my fence “East Atlanta Petting Zoo” and start charging admission.