A Sammich For Lunch

It’s a good thing I have a few pictures banked up that I can work off of for VeganMoFo. It’s been at least two weeks since I’ve gone to the farmer’s market so it’s been a lot of eating out,  quick store runs and eating down random food from my fridge and freezer. This week is going to involve a raw kale salad. I need it!

A couple of weeks ago, I posted about making Vegan Dad’s lunch meat log. These logs have seen me through many meals. Most of them looked something like this:

Yep, that’s the lunch meat nestled between two slices of whole wheat bread I made. The problem with baking your own bread is that it will sneak itself into every meal if you let it. PB&J for breakfast! Lunch meat sammich for lunch! Toasted and buttered with Earth Balance along side dinner! Well, at least it is whole wheat…

Oh, remember the polenta fries? Leftovers made a nice lunch side. Much better than potato chips!

Fake Meat Log

If you are vegan, vital wheat gluten is your friend. In these times, it’s good to know that you can make your own seitan and vegan lunch meat way cheaper than buying it pre-packaged. Plus, you control the ingredients.

Recently, Vegan Dad posted this recipe for a lunch meat that uses white beans. I knew I had almost exactly the amount called for taking up room in my freezer. And since I’ve been busy baking breads lately, I needed some lunch meat. Sometimes you need a change from peanut butter & jelly.

I did make a couple of changes to the recipe. I did not use the fennel seed because Kevin hates it. Also, instead of steaming then baking, I just baked it longer, about an hour and a half or so. This turns out to be a nice mild lunch meat. There are plenty of recipes out there for something spicier if that’s what you want. This made two good sized logs for me. Great for a family, but I would probably half the recipe for myself in the future. Although I can toss one in the freezer for future use or just keep baking bread and I’m sure it’ll disappear soon enough. 🙂