Cocozia Coconut Oil Review

A while back, I reviewed Cocozia’s coconut water. It turns out they also have organic, non-GMO coconut oil AND they were kind enough to send me a jar to try out.

cocozia coconut oil

The Cocozia Coconut Oil is pure white in the jar. When I popped it open the light coconut scent made my mouth water a little. This oil seems to have more of a scent than other coconut oils I’ve used, but it dissipates when you cook with it.

Now, I’m already a fan of coconut oil, so there was no learning curve here. I already cooked with it regularly. So to take it to the next level, I tried to use it as much as possible, and for dishes that normally call for different oils.

This is my standard quick tofu recipe.

fried tofu

Next, I made some BBQ Soy Curls, around 6PM on this plate.

bbq soy curls

Being a typical vegan,  of course there was a tofu scramble.

tofu scramble

We have this Cosmic Kale and Chickpeas regularly, but I admit I always use a little oil.

cosmic kale and chickpeas

This coconut oil performed spectacularly in every one of these dishes and the ones I forgot to take pictures of. I used this oil nearly exclusively until it was gone. If you’re looking for an oil that is USDA Certified 100% Organic, NON-GMO Project Verified, NON Hexane and free of bleach or deodorizers, you should look into Cocozia Coconut Oil.

Pet Peeve Time

The latest barage of Pizza Hut P’Zone commercials is really getting on my nerves. It shows dudes totally chowing on their $5 meal, holding the whole thing in both hands. This is a different commercial than the one they’re showing now, but you get the idea. Each dude has a whole one in front of him. Each guy is going to eat a whole one. So why is it that their nutritional information shows a serving as half an order? I know why. Because they don’t want you to know that if you eat a whole one, and I’m being kind by choosing the pepperoni one, that’s 1260 calories, 48 grams of fat and 3,160 mg of sodium. Wow, happy heart attack!
