Okay, so I still have a serious backlog of VeganMofo posts to read. But I have made it through a bunch of posts and marked a ton for future fixin’. One of those was Corndog Bread. Oh hell yeah! I knew I’d have to get on that pretty soon. And soon was a few days ago. There’s really nothing to it. I just cooked 4 veggie dogs on the George Foreman, sliced them and tossed them in a standard cornbread recipe. I think I used the one in Veganomicon. Next time, I think I’ll try it with seitan sausages for a more grown-up flavor. But I bet kids would go nuts over this. And what better to go with it than roasted sweet potatoes and a big pile o’ collards!
Category: food
Adventures in Fake Tuna
A while back I picked up a package of May Wah fake tuna and tossed it in my freezer. I had to wait until Kevin went out of town to use it because I knew he’d hate it.
So last week, I busted it out and made a Tuna Salad for sammiches. I put in the standard tuna salad things: onion, celery, veganaise and I also tossed in some shredded carrot to sneak in a little more veg. It seriously looks just like tuna. But isn’t as fishy and doesn’t totally have a flaky texture like tuna. It’s still wheat gluten like.
So here’s my bachelorette dinner: tuna salad sammich and the end of a bag of frozen spinach mixed with cauliflower and peas.
Boston Vegetarian Food Festival
It’s hard to believe that this time last week I was frantically putting out baked goods samples for a packed room full of people shuffling by our table. Aside from a couple of disasters like having a whole box of whoopie pies arrive destroyed and running out of food way too early, I think it went fairly well. Everything seemed to be well received. The cinnamon rolls & Teese bread were the first to go. Leigh has a great post about our adventures, so I’ll be lazy and point you over there. Kevin and I shared a room with Leigh & Ken and Josh Hooten. Normally I’d say I’m too old for those kinds of sleeping arrangements, but it worked out just fine.
What I will do is give a run down of what I ate in Boston. Which wasn’t all that much with all the travel and stress. But we still managed a couple of restaurant visits.
Friday night we went to T.J. Scallywaggle’s. It’s a vegan pizza place. It has limited seating and probably does most business as take out. I had a chicken parmesan sub.
Kevin ordered the cheeseburger pizza.
We were starving, so any food was good food. I traded half my sub for a couple of pieces of Kevin’s pizza. I think my biggest complaint would be that the sauce wasn’t very flavorful. I like my pizza sauce to be a little bit spicy. More complex. I wish I could remember what the crust was like because that’s also a huge part of what makes a pizza good. But I was totally in scarf mode.
At the festival, after we ran out of stuff to sell and give away, Kevin ran off and got us a falafel wrap and some Teese nachos from the Chicago Soy Dairy guys. The falafel was pretty good, but no Ali Baba’s. The new Teese nacho sauce is pretty amazing. It seems to melt to the perfect texture. I think it wants some spicing up though. Still it gives you a great base to season the way you like.
Saturday night we all dragged our exhausted selves to My Thai for vegan Thai food goodness. We’d been drooling over a menu all day and were really excited at the concept of all those yummy Thai options. We we got there, Eric Prescott was working. We’d met him earlier at the show, and he ended up helping our table. It was kind of surreal. I think he probably doesn’t sleep with all that he has going on. We were also joined by Sarah Kramer and Jae Steele. We’d been hanging out with them a bit here and there throughout the weekend. Both of them are totally sweet.
We started with stuffed fried wontons. Yummy!
And then, my entree arrived, Mee Krob. It was HUGE. To be fair, about a third of the plate was greens. Still, I powered my way through most of it. There were so many wonderful flavors on my plate. The lemongrass beef had many layers of complexity. The rice paper stack I got was stuck together, so I gave up pretty quickly on making little rolls. Still, I enjoyed stacking my fork with various combinations of things from my plate so each bite was a little different.
We were disappointed that we wouldn’t be able to get a proper brunch because our flight left fairly early. We did get bagels with tofu spread. Of course, I can’t remember the name. I had the veggie tofu spread and thought it was pretty tasty.
Autumn Vegan Potluck
Ashley organized another fun potluck at Candler Park the weekend before Halloween. I was working on stuff for the Boston Vegetarian Food Festival, so I made Kevin make the food. He made little individual open face pot pies. Yummy! Here it is in the center of my plate surrounded by tastes of a bunch of other yummy dishes.

I really did try to take it easy and not over eat, but it’s so hard to do at these things! I mean, look at the dessert spread:
So, of course, I had to try and taste as much as possible of those as well. *blort*

And here’s a crappy picture of everyone where you can’t tell anything because it’s crappy. But seriously, there were a bunch of people at that table in the shadows where you can’t see anything because the pic is crappy.
VeganMofo Droppings
Even though I had my camera stolen and essential didn’t post the last week while preparing for the Boston Vegetarian Food Festival, I still somehow managed to get in more than 20 VeganMofo posts. Go me!
Anyway, I have a couple of posts in me to catch up. This one will be the random assortment of food pics I took.
This was a quickie dinner thanks to the cheezy sauce I blogged about before.

This lovely grill thali from Madras Chettinaad was a tasty break from baking for the Boston Vegetarian Food Festival. By the way, this is one of my go to restaurants for mixed veg/non-veg company.

I had some pumpkin in the freezer that I’d roasted and some home made stock, so I thought a pumpkin soup would be a good way to use some of that up. I started with this recipe, veganized it and skipped the cream/honey part at the end altogether. Also, a lot of the comments complained about it being bland, so I added a teaspoon of cayenne, a tablespoon of cumin and used ground cloves instead of whole so I wouldn’t have to try and fish them out later. The whole teaspoon of cayenne made it pretty spicy, so go lighter or skip it if you’re not into that. Monday night we ate this with grilled teese sammiches, but I failed to take a pic. So here it is with the pj&j as I ate it tonight. If I wasn’t lazy, I’d type this up in a nice new recipe, but I am, so there.
Oh, there’s more coming. A whole pile of Boston pics and another fabulous vegan potluck.