Okay, yeah, it’s been almost a week since the vegan brunch I had at my house, but finally here are some pictures. Below we have Chocolate Chip Brownie Waffles from Veganomicon, biscuits & yeast gravy, fruit, Indian spiced greens in the crock pot, and sweet rolls. Here the coffee cake on the far side comes into view.
And a better look at those sweet rolls, some “sausages” and hiding in the back, Beer Battered Seitan from Yellow Rose Recipes, Punk Rock Chickpea Gravy from Vegan with a Vengeance and whole grain waffles.
Oh, and this wasn’t all. We also had sweet potato hash browns, a fruit salad, some potatoes maybe and probably more stuff I’m forgetting. Let’s put it this way, this was the only meal I ate this day. So much yummy food! And since the “chicken” ‘n waffles didn’t really show up well on the table, here it is as blurry leftovers:
Tag: seitan
Everyone loves cube food
I have many pieces and parts of food around but no planned meals. I know a lot of people roll that way every day, but it’s very unlike me. I plan out what I’m going to eat for a week, go to the store and get ingredients, and repeat in a week. But Thanksgiving threw things off. I haven’t quite recovered from braving the DeKalb Farmer’s Market pre-holiday crowds. Noobs.
So time to improvise. Here’s what I came up with:
Seitan O’ Greatness Hash
1 tablespoon canola oil
1/2 red onion, chopped
2 medium yukon gold potatoes, cut into 1 cm cubes (yeah, I used metric, sue me)
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 red bell pepper, diced
1 cup Seitan O’ Greatness, cut into 1 cm cubes
Salt & pepper to taste
Heat up oil over medium high heat in a saute pan. Add onions and fry for a minute or so. Add potatoes and turn heat down to medium. Cook stirring from time to time until potatoes are almost done. Add garlic, bell pepper, seitan, salt and pepper and continue cooking until potatoes are done. Note, I didn’t need any pepper because I used the higher amount when making the Seitan O’ Greatness. Also, the seitan is totally optional. Makes 2 big portions. I ate mine with a big pile of green beans.
Anyway, that’s about as close to a recipe as you’re going to get out of me. Well, unless I veganize the chocolate doughnut recipe that came with my pan for the Holiday Bake Off at Cosmo’s Vegan Shoppe.
Seitan Log
I’ve been seeing posts from people who have made this Seitan O’ Greatness for months and months and finally yesterday I made my own. I’ve made seitan plenty of times, but never baked it and never one with this much flavor in the dough. The texture comes out much firmer than the boiled seitan. This one will be perfect to use as sliced lunch “meat.” It’s much tastier than store bought fake meat. I had a few slices for dinner last night and the only downside I see is that it does get kind of dry when you slice and eat it that way. I think it’ll be really tasty chopped up small in a spaghetti sauce. I have this big ol’ log. Plenty to experiment with.