Friday, I bought a package of Soyrizo on a whim with no particular plan of what to do with it. Then I remembered this old Vegetarian Times recipe for Stuffed Poblano Chilies with Garlic Mashed Potatoes. Perfect! So I loosely followed this recipe from memory. I mean, it isn’t exactly complicated.

But, to incorporate the Soyrizo, I sautéed half the package with half an onion until the onion was soft and the Soyrizo started to brown.

Then I just mixed that in with the mashed potatoes before stuffing the peppers. I also mixed a little Teese in with the mashed potatoes and sprinkled it all over the top. Since I didn’t go by a recipe or measure anything, there was extra mashed potato mixture. So I put it down in the casserole, then plopped the stuffed peppers on top.

We ate it with a side of refried beans. Hey, the chili was green, that counts, right?