The folks at Turtle Mountain sent Ashley a big ol’ box of their coconut line of ice creams. And she was nice enough to share! So we did a little reverse dinner and started with ice cream.
crapton of ice cream
I think my favorite was the peanut butter chocolate. But the mocha was a close second. And the banana split sammich was a great idea. The cookie for their sammiches was a little crunchy though. It should be soft enough to get all stuck along the gumline of your front teeth. Doesn’t stop it from being enjoy able though.
Banana split mini sammich, mango, mocha, peanut butter and chocolate
Oh yeah, and, too lazy to go get the logo but, veganmofo!
Okay, so this is definitely a work in progress. But I thought I’d share a few shots of vegan doughnuts in development.
For some reason, yeast hates Kevin’s place. It doesn’t seem like it’s much cooler than my place, but dough won’t rise for shit there. Luckily, we happen to have a proofer now.
Kevin and the Magic Box
And here is a batch of doughnuts in the magic box.
Doughnuts gettin' puffy
And here are a few all fried up. They’re not perfect yet. We’ll get there.
Here’s another lazy post…I didn’t even cook these. Kevin made pancakes for breakfast Sunday morning. I think he said he used this recipe. We dressed them up with Earth Balance, pecans and maple syrup. The apple is just there to kind of pretend like this is healthy. They were really nice. Good fluff, not too thick, nice taste. A winner! I think Kevin is going to be in charge of pancake making from now on. Hey, it’s morning, where’s my breakfast??? 🙂
Oh, and also, I imported all the VeganMoFo feeds into my rss reader. Wow, that’s a lot of vegan food blogging. My productivity at work just took a major hit.
I’m not very good at throw together dinners unless it’s something like veggies, fake meat & mashed potatoes. Every week, I go through my cookbooks, pick things to make, make a list, go to the farmer’s market once and call it good. Kevin is a lot more free-form when it comes to cooking at home. I usually handle those details, but last night Kevin brought over some Soy Curls and Chik-Style Seasoning and said “I want to use these.”
Hmm…okay. I had planned a pasta with beets and I didn’t think the Soy Curls would go very well. So we switched things up. Kevin was in charge of the Soy Curls. He followed the directions for using the Chik seasoning with them. I remembered seeing a cheezy sauce I wanted to try so made that up. And then I boiled up the tri-color rotini I had along with some frozen broccoli. It all came together fairly quickly and turned out super yummy! And bonus, I now have cheezy sauce powder that I can mix up quickly at some future date. Yay!
Cheezy Soy Curls and Broccoli Pasta
Kevin always makes his food look better on the plate than I do. And you know, we both augmented the drizzled cheezy sauce with piled on cheezy sauce. Yum!