The love doesn’t transfer

Kitty girl has settled fine. It took her a little longer than it used to take my cats when I’d move them, but not much. And that’s not a fair comparison because they were experts. She’s getting to the point now where she wants to follow me out of her little room. I think she’d feel differently if she knew Tak was out here. Tak used to respect Sybil, maybe I can get them to come to an understanding. Baby steps though.

But, I did find out her love of me does not transfer to other humans quite yet. Matt came in to see her. She poked her head out but wouldn’t come out from under the desk. She purred for me at first, then was more concerned about him. She let me scritch on her neck, but still remained hiding. Matt went in to pet her and she went climbing-the-wall apeshit. Poor thing. She recovered quickly, but I think if anyone else is going to gain her trust they’re going to have to be patient. I mean, I’ve been working on this since October.