And then there were three

Well, I thought if the white kitty made it through the first week he’d be okay, but the little guy never developed like the other ones and finally died last night. Poor thing. At least he seemed to enjoy his short little life. So far, he’s the only one of the kittens I’ve heard purr. I let the kitties run around outside their box a little now. The grey tabby with the angel wings had overtaken the brown tabby as the fatass. Actually he’s the only one who can’t climb out of the box on his own yet. When the other two get out of the box, they like to practice running. He is perfecting that funny sideways walk that usually accompanies halloween cat. The smaller grey tabby is the only one who has shown an interest in mama’s food. He drinks out of her water bowl and munches down on her crunchies. That seems to freak her out a bit. But at some point she’ll make the connection: more crunchies = less nipple. Soon I’ll pop up another video. They’re much more fun to watch now. New photos are going into my flickr account.

Oh yeah, yet another cat has shown up at my house. this one isn’t feral. It’s a big fluffy brown tabby with white feet. It was going to try and eat on my back porch but one of the grey boys was having none of it. So I put a little food for it on the front porch. The kitty let me pet it right away, so this cat is either lost or dumped. Oh, maybe it’s my neighbor’s across the street. She said she had an older cat. I’ll have to check. I like that option best.