ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana bread

Thought I’d better get a shot of this banana bread before it disappears. As you can see, that’ll be really soon. I have bounced around and tried many different banana bread recipes. Usually making banana bread is spur of the moment. (oh shit, those bananas are about to liquify. guess i’m not going to eat them. time for banana bread!) So, which recipe I use is generally dependant on ingredients I have on hand. This one is from How It All Vegan and is probably one of the best I’ve made. It’s moist on the inside, browned on the outside. No spices involved so it really focuses on the banans. The recipe called for dates but I used walnuts instead. And it includes wheat germ which doesn’t hippy it up at all…you don’t even notice it after it’s baked.

How It All Vegan banana bread