So, meat eaters don’t need veg, fruit

The key to remember, if you or your child is going to be a vegetarian, there are healthy ways to go about it.

“There are three major steps to do this vegetarian thing right,” Blatner said. “The first step is to replace the meats with plant proteins. So that would be eating things like beans nuts, seeds. Step two is eat lots more fruits and vegetables and then step three is replacing your grains with more whole grains.”

Yeah, that came out of the mouth of a registered dietitian. What are they teaching those people? So, if you eat meat you don’t need lots of fruits, veggies and whole grains? I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and hope that she said that all people should be eating  lots of fruit, veggies and whole grains and that it just got cut from the story. Check out the video with the story. The parents have big hunk of meat, a baked potato and a small pile of broccoli mixed with something. Fabulously healthy meal, that is. Not.