Turtle Mountain Tasting

The folks at Turtle Mountain sent Ashley a big ol’ box of their coconut line of ice creams. And she was nice enough to share! So we did a little reverse dinner and started with ice cream. 


crapton of ice cream
crapton of ice cream

I think my favorite was the peanut butter chocolate. But the mocha was a close second. And the banana split sammich was a great idea. The cookie for their sammiches was a little crunchy though. It should be soft enough to get all stuck along the gumline of your front teeth. Doesn’t stop it from being enjoy able though.


Banana split mini sammich, mango, mocha, peanut butter and chocolate
Banana split mini sammich, mango, mocha, peanut butter and chocolate

 Oh yeah, and, too lazy to go get the logo but, veganmofo!